credit @pin

ah, but airplanes float in the air, i wonder if i'll be alright

karo asked:

learn more about @nigiechan pls?? thx!!!

hi, i'm name Bynh go by this/that pronouns and i'm 1x ur mbti !!*and other info. facebook retrospring
more info

159 Notes

my skills level is terrible in every area.i love Cat, Stardew Valley, 1 girl at school !music my favs 29/9/200x

498 Notes

before you follow i feel very happy that you took the time to visit my bio, i hope you enjoy this not follow if You can leave this website if you have a bad impression of me or hate me but you absolutely must not insult or offend anyone other than me, I will accept it and wish you a good day. Thanks for spent time to read this.

148 Notes